How Marketing Automation Helps Sales and Marketing Alignment

Marketing automation helps your sales and marketing teams communicate better with your prospects, leads, and customers. When a user visits your website, it makes it easy to understand their interests and buyer journey. With this insight you can create dynamic content marketing, landing pages and email campaigns that help convert leads to sales.

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Challenges of B2B Customer Experience Measurement

We live in a market that values experience. Just as much as in the business-to-consumer (B2C) world, business-to-business (B2B) brands need to deliver moments that matter for their customers. But how to determine if you’re delivering a good customer experience (CX)? What customer analytics should you track to know if you’re meeting your customer experience goals? How do you turn someone’s experience with your brand into a measurable outcome?

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Why Excellent Customer Experience Will Drive Business Growth

Customer experience is influenced by every interaction: digital engagement, purchase, product use and customer service. B2B organisations need to be careful that they don't differentiate between what they sell and how they sell it. Instead, branding and marketing become an intrinsic part of the organisation's service offerings and in doing so becomes a part of the greater customer experience.

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Digital Marketing to Generation X, The Forgotten Generation

No matter what your business is selling, the first step in devising a marketing plan is to identify your target demographic. At present, it seems that most strategies in most industries are being designed to attract Millennials. In doing so, businesses that offer professional services or industry expertise all too often overlook the generation that preceded them. Considering the fact that Generation X currently holds the majority of senior and executive level management positions worldwide, such businesses might want to reevaluate their marketing strategy.

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Creating a Powerful LinkedIn B2B Content Marketing Strategy

LinkedIn is now a core component in many B2B lead generation and content marketing strategies. The company can now claim to operate the world's largest professional network on the Internet, with over 660 million members in over 200 countries and territories. It is time to take a serious look at the potential of building a LinkedIn B2B content marketing strategy.

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B2B Marketing Trends for 2020

To stay competitive in an ever-expanding digital universe, brands need to be on top of the latest trends and look to find gaps and tools to use to their advantage. Consider that last year the majority of businesses planned to increase their investment in the already crowded digital marketing sphere. In the UK and North America, brands upped their marketing technology budgets by 44 per cent (£40bn), and it was forecast that by 2020 digital's share of total advertising spend would reach 50%.

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How Dynamic Email Content Can Boost Engagement

Dynamic content allows you to communicate more effectively with your target audience. In dynamic emails, the email subject line, imagery, and body of the email can all be personalised based on who is receiving the mail and what you already know about them. Rather than sending broadcast emails providing generalised information, you can send the information they need with truly persuasive CTAs that nurture them through the buyer's journey.

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The Importance of Creating a Dynamic Website

When it comes to marketing your brand effectively, personalisation is the name of the game. People want to see online content tailored specifically for their needs and preferences wherever they go. Whether they are browsing shows on Netflix, shopping on Amazon, or simply looking up information on the web, customers are more engaged and responsive when presented with personalised content.

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Building the Foundations of a B2B Conversion Rate Optimisation Strategy

Gaining the attention of your target audience is the equivalent of getting a foot in the door. Without the ability to hold their attention and transform their passing interest into something more tangible, you merely have numbers. A successful Conversion Rate Optimisation strategy is the key to unlocking the potential of your online audience and transforming it into a significant for your business.

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Customer Journey Mapping Is The Route To a More Engaging Experience

The customer journey map provides an educated model of how various prospects might interact with a business at different touchpoints before making a purchase decision. The map might need to be adjusted to take into account the buying patterns and needs of various customer personas, or different customer groupings who have different reasons for using your product or service. Each persona may act differently or require specific information for their buying process.

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Innovation series - How Innovation creates new jobs and changes the world of work

Our current wave of digital, technological and industrial change has the potential to transform more than their immediate markets. Will new jobs spring into being as these old ones are eradicated? It has happened previously, but are things different this time? New technologies have usually created new types of jobs, but will this always be the case in the era of AI?

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