Behaviour Based Email Marketing

As you work on positioning your brand as a leader in your industry, do not let your email marketing campaigns fall by the wayside. Although not as interactive as social media marketing, emails still make a significant impact, especially on B2B audiences. As they work on generating higher revenues, fifty-nine percent of marketers cite email as their most effective channel.

However, what many don't know is that you can boost customer engagement and campaign results by improving your customer experience with behaviour-based email marketing. This highly effective marketing automation tactic allows you to send out targeted emails in response to your visitor's actions on your website, social media channels, and more.

Although it might sound quite complicated, it can be easy to accomplish with the right marketing partner. Here's what you need to know.

Create an email marketing campaign based on customer behaviour.

What is Behaviour Based Email?

With behaviour based email marketing, you can create an ongoing dialogue between your brand and potential customers, and gather intelligence about your leads that allows your brand can respond more appropriately.

With this smart marketing tactic, you can track your customers' actions wherever you promote your brand online, including your:

  • Website

  • Social media channels

  • Emails

  • App

The system automatically tracks your customer's behaviours as they explore your digital platform looking for the solutions to their issues and, using your preferred triggers, can send out relevant emails in response. You will need to apply your understanding of what the customer is looking for with each action to achieve the best results. That way, you can provide relevant information personalised to their needs at that moment.

Through this process, you will effectively bring your email marketing segmentation down to an audience of one. This unprecedented level of personalisation is the way forward with fifty-three percent of customers valuing that extra attention from their favourite brands.

Retargeting Matters

At its core, behaviour-based email marketing offers opportunities to connect with your target audience as they engage with your company. Through those opportunities, you can fully support your customers as they travel through the buyer's journey. This approach relies on the power of retargeting to make a difference in your customers' purchase habits. However, it goes far beyond merely displaying ads, as is the norm.

Through personalised emails, your message has a much better chance to resonate with your audience. You can speak to their pain points and provide relevant, timely solutions in detail with just a single email. With this simple change, you to go far beyond the sixty percent higher conversion rates achieved with retargeted ads.

Without retargeting, you leave your customers without any follow-up or a reason to reengage with your company. You also leave them without help to resolve their problems and leave it to chance that they'll recognise your products and services as possible solutions, opening the doors for your competitors to swoop in and provide the optimal customer experience, securing your sales as their own.

Thankfully, this is all very avoidable. By optimising the responsiveness of your brand with behaviour-based email marketing, you can avoid this scenario and stay at the forefront of your customers' minds.

Understand what motivates your customers in order to use behaviour triggers effectively.

What Actions Trigger Can Email Activity?

For behaviour-based email marketing campaigns to work, you need to reflect on your customers' actions and what they mean. By understanding what your customers are after with every interaction, you can send them the correspondence that speaks to their needs and positions your brand as a partner your customers can rely on in serving their clientele. 

So, take the time to think deeply about your target audience and their ideal buyer's journey to find the actions that indicate a need for additional support. Here are some ideas to help you get started.


As your customers interact with your website, the doors open for targeting through behaviour-based emails. You can have the system send out follow up emails whenever your site visitors:

  • View campaign-specific landing pages

  • Leave an item in their cart

  • Enter their info to download an eBook

  • Sign up to review your case studies

Don't underestimate the power of sending a simple welcome email either. As new customers interact with your brand for the first time, you can send out an email introducing them to your company and its benefits. These initial emails have a stunning fifty percent open rate and go a long way in helping familiarise customers with your products and services. 

Social Media Channels

Social media platforms allow you to see a variety of ways your audience engages with your brand. When you link your social media channels to a marketing automation platform, you can gain incredible insights that help you deliver the right emails when they are needed.

You might have the system segment your leads into dynamic lists or assign a lead status to trigger a particular email series after they :

  • Like a specific status or post

  • Comment on your recent activity

  • Share information about your brand

  • Post a review of your company

  • Send you a private message

By linking social media actions to emails, you increase the interactivity of that platform and improve the reach of your brand. Your ability to better engage with your target audience will increase in kind as well.


With email, you can send out additional correspondence when your customer:

  • Fails to open your emails for a set length of time

  • Clicks through your email, but leaves your site

  • Forwards your email to their social network

  • Shows regular responses to certain deals on posts on particular subject matter

  • Clicks on links to view product or pricing information

As you use email to engage, you can steadily hone in on how far along the buyer’s journey a particular lead is and what your customer needs so you can deliver the right content in response. You can also set up content marketing elements, such as blog posts, lead magnets and campaign-specific landing pages, to support your highly-targeted emails.

The sky is the limit in identifying important behaviours and setting up automatic email responses for each one. Use what you know about your ideal customers to start tracking down all the ways to respond to their needs. 

Provide an excellent customer experience with relevant and timely communications

Making a Difference with Excellent Email Content

Knowing when to send out an email is just half the battle. You also need to craft each email to speak to your customers' needs and help them through the buyer's journey. When you hit the mark in both these areas, marketing automation can effectively drive customers to conversion.

To ensure your emails always resonate with your audience, focus on making them relevant to their prior interactions with your company. Then, turn your attention to quality by crafting engaging content infused with attention-grabbing visuals. Also, remember to use your subject lines wisely, trying out different approaches to improve your open rate.

Your emails should encourage your customers to continue through the buyer's journey with a strong call-to-action. Make it meaningful by using the call-to-action and a link to help your customers solve their problems at that moment. You can connect them to a product page, blog post, or anywhere else in the digital sphere. Just focus on helping them find their ideal solutions and loyalty to your company will result.

Benefits of Using Behaviours to Send Targeted Emails

With your commitment to running behaviour-based email marketing campaigns, you can boost the success of your company and all your clients' endeavours as well. Here's how this form of marketing automation can help you and all your clients achieve great results. 

Boost Marketing Relevance

With behaviour-based email marketing, you can leave your customers wondering how you read their minds. Your marketing relevance will improve as your emails speak directly to the needs of your customers and position your products and services as the leading solutions. As a result of these moves, your clients will start to see you as a partner in growing their enterprises.

Ease the Buyer's Journey

From content marketing to paid ads, all your advertising efforts help to ease the buyer's journey and help your customers make the right purchase the first time around. Sending out emails in response to customer actions takes this approach to the next level. Sometimes the buyer’s journey is not so smooth. For example with marketing automation it’s possible to create behavioural targeting with triggers based on cart abandonment, sending an automated email to remind prompt someone to complete their purchase.

As your customers move through the digital space in search of solutions for their companies, they are likely looking to hit on just the right info needed to resolve their problems. With the arrival of your relevant, timely emails, you provide that info and instantly drive interested customers back to your brand.

Increase Customer Loyalty

As your customers start to see your brand as a partner in their success, they will become much more loyal to your company. Your relevant emails will remind them of your commitment to their growth and success in the industry, driving them to your brand.

This will help make them more responsive to your email correspondence, which can boost your open and click-through rates considerably. They will also begin looking to your brand for solutions rather than merely responding to the marketing materials that come their way. 

Improve Your Revenues

Data-driven marketing will help you to direct your marketing efforts more strategically. An intelligence-based approach will help you generate repeatable results as you learn what captures your ideal customer’s attention and assists them through the buyer's journey. With a marketing automation system working hard on your behalf, you will be able to reallocate resources to find more creative ways to serve your clients' needs and deliver the information they require.

How to Get Started with Behaviour-Based Email Marketing

Your clients count on you to optimise their buyer's journey and elevate the customer experience in surprising ways. You can accomplish this goal by making behaviour-based email marketing a part of everything you do. As your marketing automation system tracks your customers' behaviours and sends out relevant emails, your brand will begin to outshine your competitors.

To make this a reality:

  • Identify key customer actions

  • Link each action with an email

  • Craft relevant and engaging emails

  • Set up behavioural triggers in your marketing automation system

  • Monitor your results and make smart adjustments

If you are ready to get started, reach out to our team at 1827 Marketing and request a demo. We look forward to helping you utilise marketing automation to achieve all your business goals.